Our favorite Kickstarter Campaigns
Some of the best Kickstarters we’ve seen
We’ve been fans of other people’s Kickstarters since before our own launch of A Christmas Carol Adventure. So many Kickstarters have amazed us, and as a company we’ve backed quite a few. Individually, our founders have backed projects as well.
We’d like to feature some of our favorite Kickstarter projects here, in the hopes that you, too can share our enthusiasm.
We don’t have the time or space to list every project we liked / loved / supported, but here are a few we felt stood out for us.
pictures from Tanner Yarro’s Kickstarter page
Maps! If there is one thing that brings the game at your table to life more than maps we haven’t found it! Immersive Maps are created by Tanner at Yarro Studio and hands down he makes some of the best in the business!
No matter what your strategy or plans for your Kickstarter it is all built on your core product so make certain your product shines with that spark of an idea that makes your backers say, “…oh! I want that!” Tanner’s maps do exactly that with beautiful maps bound together in books that lay flat on your table. Making his Kickstarter an easy choice for anyone who longs to bring more life to their battlefields.
pictures from Conflict Games Kickstarter Page
Monster Description Cards has leaned heavily into the concept of offering something that solves a backer’s problem. Specifically the issue of bringing monsters to life at the table. Inventing creative and imaginative creatures is hard enough, but describing their strength or pointy teeth in a believable, bowel-emptying way is even more difficult. And perhaps a problem most backers wouldn’t even realize they have.
But then Conflict Games comes along and offers a solution to an oft overlooked issue. With eye catching art and an stellar presentation the Monster Description Cards are a real temptation for anyone wanting to bring their table to life just a little bit more.
Plus as an added bonus they offer a tier reward for other companies to include their own card in the pack to advertise their company. Is it a shameless plug to plug our advertise we paid another company to put in the back of their deck of cards? The rules are a bit fuzzy on that… moving on!
pictures from Andrew Lowen’s Kickstarter page
Deliverance is another good example of how to build a successful campaign, find a niche group, and serve it. Often people will want to Kickstart a project that “is for everyone!” But more often they make something that pleases no one. Look, if there is a product that will please everyone, a very large company has probably already made it. What those big companies don’t do well though, is serve smaller, specific groups.
Deliverance is a board game along the lines of Descent, but themed towards Christians. Instead of a game focused on monsters in a dungeon, it is built around angels and demons going to war in a small town.
Now perhaps this isn’t for you, perhaps it is. Not important. What matters is it is for SOMEONE. Though a niche group is by definition a small audience, a strong devotion from a small group can take you further than mild interest from a larger group.
pictures from Fireball Studios’ Kickstarter page
A solid mix of the appeal of the previous Kickstarters, Fireball offers to solve a problem, offer something eye-catching, and serve a niche audience all in one swoop. They wanted to stream-line the game process and make it remote for all their players who have a hard time making game. Causing the entire process to be played in a sort of pass and play method.
This serves the niche audience who have a hard time scheduling a game, solving their problem and wrapping it all in a nice bow with excellent visuals. A solid Kickstarter all around!
pictures from Wyvern Gaming’s Kickstarter page
Stargate RPG is here for one reason and one reason only. TJ REALLY loves him some stargate. Though there is no way to know how good this game will actually play until ya give it a spin. Let it stand as a testament to the sheer poor of appeal. If you have a place people love and want to visit. You definately have an audience!
pictures from Elder Wood’s Kickstarter page
Keychain Spellbooks is our last Kickstarter and it is here to remind you that if it is small, it is cute, and therefore worth your money! There are few women alive who can resist the pull of the cute items. Science and time has proven this true over and over. Cool and impressive will slowly draw in a crowd, but cute will pull “awwwwh!” out of a young girl way faster.
With a solid look and impressive ablity to shrink the items down to mini size Keychain Spellbooks has definitely shown up around many a gamers house far and wide!
Last thoughts
Impressed? So are we!
We’ll always be amazed by the creativity, dedication and ingenuity of other creators on this planet. It is our hope that you’ll be inspired and excited to join in on the fun, start your own projects!
Any Kickstarter projects you love that you’d like to share? We’d love to hear about them. Send us a message or drop a comment below!
Remember, all the organization in the world is helpful. But with a DnD campaign, chaos is likely.
Jo is our co-founder, resident DM for Hire and a philosopher of tabletop gaming.
Jessie CM
Jessie is our marketing guru, lover of #NumberOneJosiah and a published author.
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Kickstarter is a crowded place, so to launch a successful campaign it’s important to know what you will need ahead of time. Specifically, what you're selling, how to make it look fancy, and making certain you know your numbers.